Tender No.: [2008]009
Administrative divisions: Meishan City - Pengshan County
Number of purchase packages: 1
Purchaser: Pengshan County Employment Bureau
Purchasing agency name:
Package number: 1
Category: Goods
Purchasing unit: Pengshan County Employment Bureau
Description of the package: LED outdoor display
Supplier qualification requirements: 1. The original supplier who has not registered in the Pengshan County Government Procurement Center will be required to carry the industrial and commercial business license, tax registration certificate (national tax, local tax), and the original copy of the organization code certificate;
2. The manufacturer of the product to be invested has the ISO9001 quality system certification;
3. The supplier shall have: the original qualification of the third-level or above qualification of electronic engineering professional contracting or system integration; the member of China Photoelectricity Association; the registered capital of the company shall not be less than 3 million yuan; the original authorized by the manufacturer of the invested product; the original of the safety production license; Two years of LED engineering case.
The above qualifications are provided with the original and one copy of the original copy.
Bidding method: The supplier will purchase the qualified documents to the Pengshan County Purchasing Center for purchase.
The start and end of the tender offer: Beijing time from July 22, 2008, 9:00 to July 22, 2008 at 11:00.
The price of the tender: 200 yuan / share. The bidding is not refundable, the bidding qualification can not be transferred, and the negotiating deposit of 10000.00 yuan (RMB 10,000 yuan) is required to purchase the negotiation documents, and the negotiating margin of the transaction party is automatically converted into the performance bond.
Place of bid sale: Pengshan County Government Procurement Center (the bottom floor of the Finance Bureau of the southern section of Pengzu Avenue, Pengshan County)
Deadline for submission of bids: 17:30, August 11, 2008
Bid Opening Place: 2nd Floor, Finance Bureau, South Section of Pengzu Avenue, Pengshan County
Contact / Contact: Xiang Jiaxin 0833-7797676 Yang Kuifeng 0833-7776663
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Bee Products Co., Ltd. , http://www.nsbeeproducts.com