Development of home healthcare

Advanced semiconductor technology is paving the way for the development of home medical equipment that is getting smaller and more powerful. For patients, the benefits of smaller portable devices are easier healthcare, less hospital visits, and further reduced medical costs. In order to be able to play a more effective role in the home environment, medical equipment must be easy to use, ensure safety (even when used incorrectly), and must be able to distinguish between correct results and results obtained under incorrect procedures.

The rise of home healthcare

As more and more people born during the baby boom period are entering old age, the demand for family health care is increasingly urgent, and the demand for family health care equipment is also growing. According to the report of the World Health Organization, the number of people over 60 years old in the world was 650 million in 2006, and it is expected to reach 1.2 billion in 2025. In the United States, the proportion of people over 65 years of age is higher than ever, and this number is expected to increase steadily in the 21st century.

Examples of home healthcare devices that benefit from semiconductor technology include the 24-hour lung monitor Wholter, the personal asthma assessment device Wheezometer, and others. Both devices were developed by Karmelsonix, which is headquartered in Israel and is a pioneer in the development of asthma management medical devices. Wholter and Wheezometer meet the urgent needs of 48 million asthma patients worldwide for self-assessment and management of asthma symptoms that threaten them.

An effective asthma assessment (a multivariate lung activity measurement) must be immediate and accurate in order to provide a basis for appropriate medical measures. In the past, only spirometers in hospitals or clinics had such high reliability, and asthma patients at home or on the road often faced danger.

In order to popularize this important patient care method from the hospital to the home, KarmelSonix uses a high-speed Blackfin digital signal processor (DSP) and other precision signal processing devices from ADI to ensure that asthma patients can obtain an accurate and reliable "gasping rate" (An important dynamic indicator of asthma attacks) evaluation information. Asthma patients can use Wholter and Wheezometer to make an early assessment of their own disease, which is essential for the subsequent implementation of correct medical treatment.

Key semiconductor technology

Many home health support equipment functions are simpler, but they are vital to saving lives and preventing accidents. PocketCPR produced by Bio-Detek, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zoll Medical, can be placed under the palm of a person's palm to monitor the status of resuscitation of a heart attack patient, as shown in Figure 1.

ADI's ADXL311 accelerometer facilitates the implementation of PocketCPR devices

Figure 1 ADI's ADXL311 accelerometer facilitates the implementation of PocketCPR devices

Power / Data cable

COM interface cable, USB interface, Phone Type-C interface, Micro USB cables

Dongguan Bofan technology Co., LTD ,

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