In 2008, the Japanese government issued a provision requiring incandescent bulbs to exit the market before 2012. However, due to the 15% gap in power supply this summer, the Japanese government decided to advance the "decommissioning" time of incandescent bulbs.
According to the calculation of the Japan Energy Economic Research Institute, LED bulbs consume one-fifth of the energy of incandescent bulbs, and the lifespan is nearly 40 times that of incandescent bulbs. From the data of the past 10 years, the sales volume of incandescent bulbs has dropped by 75%, while the number of LED bulbs has increased by 1200%. Incandescent bulbs have gradually withdrawn from the historical arena.
Fixed Led Display is divided into indoor fixed Fixed LED Displayn and outdoor FIXED Led Display. According to the requirements of site, budget, installation mode, there are iron box and die-casting aluminum box for selection, while the box style has simple box, full box with back cover, and the size of iron box can be customized. A variety of box options to provide customers with personalized solutions.
The module adopts 3-in-1 technology, 4-layer PCB and single-chip microcomputer large-scale integrated design, which optimizes the spatial layout of electronic components to make them beautiful and stable. The fixed installation screen with flat surface, uniform color, high contrast and clear and gorgeous picture quality is widely used in commercial landmarks, airport stations, tourist attractions, sports venues and other places.
Fixed LED Display
Rental Led Display,Fixed Led Display,Fixed Led Display Screen,Fixed Led Wall
Shenzhen Vision Display Technology Co,.LTD ,