First, numpy overview
Numpy (Numerical Python) provides Python support for multidimensional array objects: ndarray, with vector computing capabilities, fast, space-saving. Numpy supports a large number of advanced dimensional arrays and matrix operations, and also provides a large library of mathematical functions for array operations.
Second, create a ndarray array
Ndarray: An N-dimensional array object (matrix), all elements must be of the same type. Ndarray attribute: ndim attribute, indicating the number of dimensions; shape attribute, indicating the size of each dimension; dtype attribute, indicating the data type.
Create an ndarray array function:
Code example:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy; print 'Generate a one-dimensional array using a list' data = [1,2,3,4,5,6] x = numpy.array(data) print x # Print array print x.dtype #Print array element type print 'Use list to generate 2D array' data = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] x = numpy.array(data) Print x #print array print x.ndim #Print array dimensions print x.shape #Print the length of each dimension of the array. Shape is a tuple print 'Create an array using zero/ones/empty: create according to shape' x = numpy.zeros(6) #Create a one-dimensional length of 6, elements are 0 one-dimensional array print xx = numpy. Zeros((2,3)) #Create a two-dimensional 0-array with a length of 2 and a two-dimensional length of 3 print xx = numpy.ones((2,3)) #Create a one-dimensional length of 2, two-dimensional length A two-dimensional 1 array of 3 print xx = numpy.empty((3,3)) #Create a one-dimensional length of 2, a two-dimensional length of 3, an uninitialized two-dimensional array print x print 'Generate continuous elements using array' Print numpy.arange(6) # [0,1,2,3,4,5,] Open interval print numpy.arange(0,6,2) # [0, 2,4]
Third, specify the type of ndarray array elements
NumPy data type:
Code example:
Print 'Generate an array of the specified element type: set the dtype attribute' x = numpy.array([1,2.6,3],dtype = numpy.int64) print x # The element type is int64 print x.dtype x = numpy.array( [1,2,3],dtype = numpy.float64) print x # The element type is float64 print x.dtype print 'Use astype to copy the array and convert the type ' x = numpy.array([1,2.6,3], Dtype = numpy.float64) y = x.astype(numpy.int32) print y # [1 2 3] print x # [ 1. 2.6 3. ] z = y.astype(numpy.float64) print z # [ 1. 2. 3.] print 'convert string elements to numeric elements' x = numpy.array(['1','2','3'],dtype = numpy.string_) y = x.astype(numpy. Int32) print x # ['1' '2' '3'] print y # [1 2 3] If the conversion fails, an exception will be thrown print 'Use the data type of other array as a parameter' x = numpy.array([ 1 ., 2.6,3. ],dtype = numpy.float32); y = numpy.arange(3,dtype=numpy.int32); print y # [0 1 2] print y.astype(x.dtype) # [ 0 . 2.]
Fourth, ndarray vectorization calculation
Vector operations: operations between array keys of the same size are applied to elements. Vector and scalar operations: "broadcast" - "broadcast" scalars to individual elements
Code example:
Print 'ndarray array with scalar/array operations' x = numpy.array([1,2,3]) print x*2 # [2 4 6] print x>2 # [False False True] y = numpy.array ([3,4,5]) print x+y # [4 6 8] print x>y # [False False False]
Fifth, the basic index and slice of the ndarray array
Index of one-dimensional arrays: similar to Python's list indexing function
Index of multidimensional arrays:
Arr[r1:r2, c1:c2]
Arr[1,1] equivalent arr[1][1]
[:] data representing a dimension
Code example:
Print 'ndarray's basic index' x = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) print x[0] # [1,2] print x[0][ 1] # 2, the index of a normal python array print x[0,1] # with x[0][1], the index of the ndarray array x = numpy.array([[[1, 2], [3,4] ], [[5, 6], [7,8]]]) print x[0] # [[1 2],[3 4]] y = x[0].copy() # Generate a copy z = x[0] # does not generate a copy print y # [[1 2],[3 4]] print y[0,0] # 1 y[0,0] = 0 z[0,0] = -1 print y # [[0 2],[3 4]] print x[0] # [[-1 2],[3 4]] print z # [[-1 2],[3 4]] print 'ndarray Slice ' x = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5]) print x[1:3] # [2,3] Right open interval print x[:3] # [1,2,3] The default on the left is 0 print x[1:] # [2,3,4,5] The default is the number of elements on the right print x[0:4:2] # [1,3] Subscript increment 2 x = numpy.array ([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) print x[:2] # [[1 2],[3 4]] print x[:2,:1] # [ [1],[3]] x[:2,:1] = 0 # Use scalar assignment print x # [[0,2],[0,4],[5,6]] x[:2,: 1] = [[8],[6]] # Assign an array with print x # [[8,2],[6,4],[5,6]]
Six, ndarray array of boolean index and fancy index
Boolean index: Use a boolean array as the index. Arr[condition], condition is a boolean array of conditions/multiple conditions.
Boolean index code example:
Print 'ndarray's boolean index' x = numpy.array([3,2,3,1,3,0]) # Boolean array must be the same length as the indexed axis y = numpy.array([True ,False,True,False,True,False]) print x[y] # [3,3,3] print x[y==False] # [2,1,0] print x>=3 # [ True False True False True False] print x[~(x>=3)] # [2,1,0] print (x==2)|(x==1) # [False True False True False False] print x[ (x==2)|(x==1)] # [2 1] x[(x==2)|(x==1)] = 0 print x # [3 0 3 0 3 0]
Fancy index: Use an integer array as an index.
Fancy index code example:
Print 'ndarray's fancy index: use an integer array as an index' x = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5,6]) print x[[0,1,2]] # [1 2 3] print x[[-1,-2,-3]] # [6,5,4] x = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) Print x[[0,1]] # [[1,2],[3,4]] print x[[0,1],[0,1]] # [1,4] Print x[0][ 0] and x[1][1] print x[[0,1]][:,[0,1]] # Print 01 line 01 column [[1,2],[3,4]] # Use Numpy.ix_() function enhances readability print x[numpy.ix_([0,1],[0,1])] #上上Print 01 line 01 column[[1,2],[3,4] ] x[[0,1],[0,1]] = [0,0] print x # [[0,2],[3,0],[5,6]]
Seven, ndarray array transpose and axis swap
The transpose/axis swap of an array will only return a view of the source data and will not modify the source data.
Code example:
Print 'ndarray array's transpose and axis swap ' k = numpy.arange(9) #[0,1,....8] m = k.reshape((3,3)) # Change the shape copy of the array Generate a 2-dimensional array of lengths of 3 for each dimension print k # [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] print m # [[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8]] # Transpose (matrix) array: T attribute: mT[x][y] = m[y][x] print mT # [[0 3 6] [1 4 7] [2 5 8]] # Calculate the inner product of the matrix xTx Print,mT) # dot multiply #Axis object of high dimensional array k = numpy.arange(8).reshape(2,2,2) print k # [[[1 1],[ 2 3]],[[4 5],[6 7]]] print k[1][0][0] #Axis transformation transpose Parameter: tuple consisting of the axis number m = k.transpose((1, 0,2)) # m[y][x][z] = k[x][y][z] print m # [[[ 1 1],[4 5]],[[2 3],[ 6 7]]] print m[0][1][0] #axis swap swapaxes (axes: axis), argument: a pair of axis numbers m = k.swapaxes(0,1) # will the first axis and the first The two axes are exchanged m[y][x][z] = k[x][y][z] print m # [[[ 1 1],[4 5]],[[2 3],[6 7 ]]] print m[0][1][0] # Array matrix transpose using axis swap m = numpy.arange(9).reshape((3,3)) print m # [[0 1 2] [ 3 4 5] [6 7 8]] print m.swapaxes( 1,0) # [[0 3 6] [1 4 7] [2 5 8]]
Eight, ndarray universal function
A generic function (ufunc) is a function that performs element-level operations on data in ndarray.
Unary ufunc:
Unary ufunc code example:
Print 'unary ufunc example' x = numpy.arange(6) print x # [0 1 2 3 4 5] print numpy.square(x) # [ 0 1 4 9 16 25] x = numpy.array([1.5, 1.6,1.7,1.8]) y,z = numpy.modf(x) print y # [ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8] print z # [ 1. 1. 1. 1.]
Binary ufunc:
Binary ufunc code example:
Print 'binary ufunc example' x = numpy.array([[1,4],[6,7]]) y = numpy.array([[2,3],[5,8]]) print numpy. Maximum(x,y) # [[2,4],[6,8]] print numpy.minimum(x,y) # [[1,3],[5,7]]
Nine, NumPy where function use
Np.where(condition, x, y), the first argument is a boolean array, the second argument and the third argument can be either a scalar or an array.
Code example:
Use of print 'where function' cond = numpy.array([True,False,True,False]) x = numpy.where(cond,-2,2) print x # [-2 2 -2 2] cond = numpy .array([1,2,3,4]) x = numpy.where(cond>2,-2,2) print x # [ 2 2 -2 -2] y1 = numpy.array([-1,- 2,-3,-4]) y2 = numpy.array([1,2,3,4]) x = numpy.where(cond>2,y1,y2) #length must match print x # [1,2 , -3, -4] The nesting of the print 'where function uses ' y1 = numpy.array([-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6]) y2 = numpy.array([1 ,2,3,4,5,6]) y3 = numpy.zeros(6) cond = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5,6]) x = numpy.where(cond>5, Y3,numpy.where(cond>2,y1,y2)) print x # [ 1. 2. -3. -4. -5. 0.]
Ten, ndarray commonly used statistical methods
The statistics of the entire array/an axis can be statistically calculated by these basic statistical methods.
Code example:
Print 'numpy's basic statistical method' x = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,3],[1,2]]) #Array size on the same dimension must be consistent print x.mean() # 2 print x.mean(axis=1) # average the elements of each line print x.mean(axis=0) # average the elements of each column print x.sum() #åŒç†12 print x.sum( Axis=1) # [3 6 3] print x.max() # 3 print x.max(axis=1) # [2 3 2] print x.cumsum() # [ 1 3 6 9 10 12] print x .cumprod() # [ 1 2 6 18 18 36]
Statistical method for Boolean arrays:
Sum : counts the number of True in a dimension of an array/array
Any: Stats Array/Array One or more True in a dimension
All: whether the statistics array/array is True in a dimension
Code example:
Print 'Statistical method for boolean arrays' x = numpy.array([[True,False],[True,False]]) print x.sum() # 2 print x.sum(axis=1) # [1 ,1] print x.any(axis=0) # [True,False] print x.all(axis=1) # [False,False]
Use sort to sort the dimensions of an array/array in-place (which will modify the array itself).
Code example:
Print '.sort's in-place sorting' x = numpy.array([[1,6,2],[6,1,3],[1,5,2]]) x.sort(axis=1) print x # [[1 2 6] [1 3 6] [1 2 5]] #Non-local ordering: numpy.sort() produces a copy of the array
Eleven, ndarray array deduplication and set operations
Code sample: (method return type is a one-dimensional array (1d))
Print 'ndarray's uniqueness and set operation' x = numpy.array([[1,6,2],[6,1,3],[1,5,2]]) print numpy.unique(x) # [1,2,3,5,6] y = numpy.array([1,6,5]) print numpy.in1d(x,y) # [ True True False True True False True True False] print numpy.setdiff1d (x,y) # [2 3] print numpy.intersect1d(x,y) # [1 5 6]
Twelve, linear algebra in numpy
Import numpy.linalg module. Linear algebra
Commonly used numpy.linalg module functions:
Code example:
Print 'linear algebra' import numpy.linalg as nla print 'matrix point multiplication' x = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) y = numpy.array([[1,3], [2,4]]) print # [[ 5 11][11 25]] print,y) # # [[ 5 11][11 25]] print 'matrix Inverse ' x = numpy.array([[1,1],[1,2]]) y = nla.inv(x) # matrix inversion (if the inverse of the matrix exists) print # unit Matrix [[ 1. 0.][ 0. 1.]] print nla.det(x) # seeking determinant
Thirteen, random number generation in numpy
Import numpy.random module.
Commonly used numpy.random module functions:
Code example:
Print 'numpy.random random number generation' import numpy.random as npr x = npr.randint(0,2,size=100000) #æ‹–å¸print (x>0).sum() # Positive result print npr.normal (size=(2,2)) #normal distribution random number array shape = (2,2)
Fourteen, ndarray array remodeling
Code example:
Print 'ndarray array remodeling' x = numpy.arange(0,6) #[0 1 2 3 4] print x #[0 1 2 3 4] print x.reshape((2,3)) # [[0 1 2][3 4 5]] print x #[0 1 2 3 4] print x.reshape((2,3)).reshape((3,2)) # [[0 1][2 3][ 4 5]] y = numpy.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]) x = x.reshape(y.shape) print x # [[0 1 2][3 4 5]] print x.flatten() # [0 1 2 3 4 5] x.flatten()[0] = -1 # flatten returns a copy of print x # [[0 1 2][3 4 5]] Print x.ravel() # [0 1 2 3 4 5] x.ravel()[0] = -1 # ravel returns the view (reference) print x # [[-1 1 2][3 4 5] ] print "Dimension size is automatically derived" arr = numpy.arange(15) print arr.reshape((5, -1)) # 15 / 5 = 3
Fifteen, split and merge of ndarray arrays
Code example:
Print 'merge and split array' x = numpy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) y = numpy.array([[7, 8, 9], [10 , 11, 12]]) print numpy.concatenate([x, y], axis = 0) # vertical combination [[ 1 2 3][ 4 5 6][ 7 8 9][10 11 12]] print numpy .concatenate([x, y], axis = 1) #水平组åˆ[[ 1 2 3 7 8 9][ 4 5 6 10 11 12]] print 'Vertical stack with horizontal stack' print numpy.vstack((x, y)) # vertical stacking: print numpy.hstack((x, y)) relative to vertical combination # horizontal stacking: relative to horizontal combination #dstack: stacking by depth numpy.split(x,2,axis=0) # Split by line[array([[1, 2, 3]]), array([[4, 5, 6]])] print numpy.split(x,3,axis=1) #分分分[array( [[1],[4]]), array([[2],[5]]), array([[3],[6]])] #Stacking aids import numpy as np arr = np.arange (6) arr1 = arr.reshape((3, 2)) arr2 = np.random.randn(3, 2) print 'r_ is used to stack by line ' print np.r_[arr1, arr2] ''' [ [ 0. 1. ] [ 2. 3. ] [ 4. 5. ] [ 0.22621904 0.39719794] [-1.2201912 -0.23623549] [-0.83229114 -0.72678578]] ''' print 'c_ is used to stack by column' print np.c_[np.r_[arr1, arr2], arr] ''' [[ 0. 1. 0. ] [ 2. 3. 1. ] [ 4. 5. 2. ] [ 0.22621904 0.39719794 3. ] [-1.2201912 -0.23623549 4. ] [-0.83229114 -0.72678578 5. ]] ''' print 'Slices directly into an array' print np.c_[1:6, -10:- 5] ''' [[ 1 -10] [ 2 -9] [ 3 -8] [ 4 -7] [ 5 -6]] '''
Sixteen, the elements of the array are repeated
Code example:
Print 'The elements of the array are repeated ' x = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) print x.repeat(2) # Repeat by element [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4] print X.repeat(2,axis=0) # Repeat by line[[1 2][1 2][3 4][3 4]] print x.repeat(2,axis=1) # Repeat by column[[1 1 2 2][3 3 4 4]] x = numpy.array([1,2]) print numpy.tile(x,2) # tile Tile:[1 2 1 2] print numpy.tile(x, (2, 2)) # Specify the number of times to copy from low to high. # [[1 2 1 2][1 2 1 2]]
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