Here to do a record, about the FFT will not be introduced, directly attached to the code, there are detailed comments: import numpy as npfrom scipy.fftpack import fft, ifftimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport seaborn # sampling points select 1400, because the settings The signal frequency component is up to 600 Hz. According to the sampling theorem, the sampling frequency is greater than 2 times the signal frequency, so the sampling frequency is set to 1400 Hz (that is, there are 1400 sampling points in one second, the same meaning) x=np.linspace (0,1,1400) #Set the signal to be sampled, the frequency components are 180,390 and 600y=7*np.sin(2*np.pi*180*x) + 2.8*np.sin(2*np. Pi*390*x)+5.1*np.sin(2*np.pi*600*x)yy=fft(y) #fast Fourier transform yreal = yy.real # Get the real part yimag = yy.imag # Get the imaginary part yf=abs(fft(y)) # Take the absolute value yf1=abs(fft(y))/len(x) #normalize yf2 = yf1[range(int(len(x)/2) )] # Due to symmetry, only half of the interval xf = np.arange(len(y)) # frequency xf1 = xfxf2 = xf[range(int(len(x)/2))] # half Plt.subplot(221)plt.plot(x[0:50],y[0:50]) plt.title('Original wave')plt.subplot(222)plt.plot(xf,yf,'r ')plt.title('FFT of Mixed wave(two sides frequency range)', fontsize=7,color='#7A378B') #Note that the color here can be queried for the color code table plt.subplot(223)plt.plot( Xf1, yf1, 'g') plt.title('FFT of Mixed wave(normalization)', fontsize=9, color='r')plt.subplot(224)plt.plot(xf2,yf2,'b') Plt.title('FFT of Mixed wave)',fontsize=10,color='#F08080')
Add a simple example
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npimport seabornFs = 150.0; # sampling rate sampling rate Ts = 1.0/Fs; # sampling interval sampling interval t = np.arange(0,1 , Ts) # time vector, where Ts is also the step size ff = 25; # frequency of the signaly = np.sin(2*np.pi*ff*t)n = len(y) # length of the signalk = np. Arange(n)T = n/Fsfrq = k/T # two sides frequency rangefrq1 = frq[range(int(n/2))] # one side frequency rangeYY = np.fft.fft(y) # 未 normalization Y = np.fft.fft(y)/n # fft computing and normalization Normalized Y1 = Y[range(int(n/2))]fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1)ax[0] .plot(t,y)ax[0].set_xlabel('Time')ax[0].set_ylabel('Amplitude')ax[1].plot(frq,abs(YY),'r') # plotting the Spectrumax[1].set_xlabel('Freq (Hz)')ax[1].set_ylabel('|Y(freq)|')ax[2].plot(frq,abs(Y),'G') # plotting The spectrumax[2].set_xlabel('Freq (Hz)')ax[2].set_ylabel('|Y(freq)|')ax[3].plot(frq1,abs(Y1),'B') # Plotting The spectrumax[3].set_xlabel('Freq (Hz)')ax[3].set_ylabel('|Y(freq)|')
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