Under the entrustment of Yichang City, a tobacco company in Hubei Province, it is now planning to conduct an open tender for the evaluation of Yichang City Tobacco Company's leasing assets housing project and select the contractor.
I. Procurement Project Name: Yichang Tobacco Company Rental Assets Housing Evaluation Project
Second, the procurement project number: Name up ã€æ‹›ã€‘2016-0258
Third, the procurement content: Yichang tobacco company more than 120 rental assets housing appraisal units.
IV. Evaluation report time limit: The first draft within 15 days after the signing of the contract is submitted to the owner. The owner shall issue a formal assessment report within 10 days after the confirmation.
V. Eligibility requirements
The bidder shall have the conditions stipulated in Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law";
1. Have a valid business license (original)
2. Has the assets appraisal certificate issued by the relevant department of the country. (original)
Only qualified bidders who meet all the above criteria may pass the qualification examination.
When submitting the bid documents, the bidder shall submit the corresponding originals to the bid evaluation committee on the basis of the aforementioned qualification review requirements (at the same time, two copies of the original list shall be provided). The original documents provided by the bidders must be consistent with the copies in the bid documents. Otherwise, the bid evaluation committee will not accept the letter.
Sixth, bid registration
This project accepts on-site registration. Registration time: December 30, 2016 to January 5, 2017, 8:30 to 12:00 in the afternoon, 14:30 to 17:00
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