HoloTrak works differently than other scanners. It uses Metrologic's unique Holography technology. As the scanning area becomes larger and the speed of the bar code runs faster, the HoloTrak will show superior performance compared to a conventional scanner, and the scan pass rate is greatly increased. A rotary, simple yet powerful holographic disk HoloDisc is the only moving part inside the HoloTrak scanner. There are about 20 holographic lenses on the HoloDisc. These lenses control the laser line, align it and focus it, while receiving and adjusting the light signal reflected from the bar code. When making, first use precision engineering technology to make a "master", and then copy a plurality of holographic discs using a method similar to print reproduction. The whole process is simple and accurate, and the cost is low.
Pogo Pin Connector (With Housing)
Pogo pin CO.,Ltd , http://www.nspogopin.com